Power of Prayer

It all begins with prayer. Maybe you or someone you love dearly has a health challenge. Maybe you’re working a job that makes it hard to get out of bed in the mornings. Or maybe you have a heart that hurts from another type of pain. Whatever it is, the way you pray can make all the difference in these situations and in your faith journey.


Our Father.

We are taught how to pray through the Lord’s Prayer. It starts with acknowledging who God is, that he is in Heaven, and “hallowing” his name, honoring him as holy. Instead of starting a prayer with “please God help…”, try recognizing who you are praying to.

Daily bread.

God doesn’t teach us to pray for the future so much as for our “daily bread” - what we need to sustain us for the day. How can you refocus your prayer time to zone in on your daily needs instead of worrying about further in to the future?


Forgiveness is underrated. We must admit that we are imperfect sinners in need of grace and forgiveness. Asking for forgiveness for yourself and showing others forgiveness is what we are taught to do in our prayer lives.

Our Father

Who art in Heaven

Hallowed be Your name

Your Kingdom come

Your Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

And forgive us

As we forgive those who sin against us

Lead us not in to temptation

But deliver us from evil

For Yours is the Kingdom

The power

And the glory

Forever and ever
