Be Still.
A space to find encouragement, stories, songs, and hope
Welcome to my blog!
I didn’t know what to write about until the summer of 2018. We all have stories. It’s what makes us who we are.
This website details my journey of faith and fertility. I’ve humbled up and decided to share my story and struggles in hopes that it may help others. But before you dive in, I figured I’d give you a little idea of who I am…
^ That’s me! I’m the piggy on my husband Dave’s back.
About Me
For those of you who know me, hi! For those of you who don’t, hello to you as well! Let me give you a little background. I was born and raised in London, England. After moving to the US in 2005 for “three years”, I am still here... I met this American guy in college who originally seemed too goofy for me, but I have since fallen for the goofball. After a dreamy wedding, he dragged me from Boston, MA down to slightly better weather and slightly worse sports teams in Stamford, CT.
Most importantly, I am a follower of Jesus. From Him, I receive life, grace, love, purpose, and hope. Without Him, I would be lacking. God’s love and desire to have a relationship with me inspire me to love and know others. I have spent the past 11 years working in a field where I can show love to those who have various disabilities, but January 2021 started me in a new career where I can show love and support in a new way: assisting scientists to cure diseases! In my personal life, God has been teaching me to be still and know that He is God, I am His, and that surrender can result in great freedom. This is something I want to share with you.
When I started writing, I thought I’d jot down my thoughts and wait until I had my happy ending to officially “publish”, but as the months turned into years, I felt strongly that I should get this out there while going through the storm. It’s easy to share things when you are through to the other side, but harder to be vulnerable in the midst of the unknown. I’m not alone in having my faith challenged as I navigate through life. And neither are you!
Six years after starting this blog, I have (SPOILER ALERT) two girls, Phoebe and Madeline. I have seen God do amazing things. I have learned hard lessons but good lessons. Because of my experiences, I have met people I would never have encountered and have developed deep friendships. So as you read, know I was writing in the past, and did not know how things would turn out.
I enjoy playing the piano, singing, gardening, hiking, organizing, and I’m learning how to play golf (big deal!) and guitar. In June 2018, we welcomed our mini golden doodle “Winston” into our lives, and he’s been with us throughout this journey, comforting us, making us laugh, and occasionally frustrating us as he adjusts to sharing our attention with two little humans (one of whom has started giving him directions and feeding him meals).
Winston in his cozy chair
We need to get another family photo. This seems to be the only one we have since Madeline was born!
Inspirations & Epiphanies
Here, I share some rich truths about who we are, who God is, and what we can learn from his people as documented in his Word.
Fumbling through Fertility
Whether it’s you who is the one struggling, or someone you love, my hope is that you can find something encouraging in my story.
Songs that Speak to the Soul
Music is an amazing gift. Songs have a special way of reaching us in a way words alone can’t. Take a read, take a listen!